Sunny Isles Beach, FL, USA
Heather Lynn, I want it all, Mixed media on canvas, 100 x 100 cm.
Graciela Montich (Italian-Argentinian): The main theme of her artwork is the living nature, and the different ways in which people interact with it. Inspired in The Art and Science of Ernest Haeckel she looks the art forms in the nature. Emphasizing the subject-subject relationship between man and nature. Irregular shapes predominate in nature, however, these, if they are divided, have much more basic shapes that, when combined, make irregularity and abstraction possible.
Heather Lynn (USA): “My inspiration often comes from a restless night’s sleep: the colors, shapes and movement float as I emerge into consciousness. Such elements contribute to my style – loose but connected – and are recognizable throughout my body of work. I also enjoy playing with the contradiction of opposites and know how to manipulate value, tone, and composition to this affect. I see the world in a constant state of such dichotomies – turmoil and beauty, peace and peril, harmony and disaster – which is reflected in my work.”
Roxana Werner (Chile): “Experiencing in situ the geographical and ethnographic spaces is vital to connect emotionally and intellectually with the painting. I am always vigilant, watching and learning from human behaviour, interrelationships, humans’ habitat and all that it implies regarding religion, politics, geographical areas, culture, history and more. These aspects form the backbone of my painting.”
Graciela Montich, Blue Deep Ocean, Mixed media on wood, Each: 40 x 30 cm
Heather Lynn, I want it all, Mixed media on canvas, 100 x 100 cm.
Roxana Werner, Los Derripiadores, Oil on canvas, 112 x 93 cm.
Roxana Werner, Tren Pampino, Oil on canvas, 112 x 132 cm.
Graciela Montich, Sea Foam, 2021, Mixed media on wood, 70 x 50 cm.
Graciela Montich, Art Forms in Nature Y, 2021, Mixed media on wood, 50 x 50 cm.