VOLTA Art Fairs 2005 – 2024
VOLTA made its vibrant debut in Basel in 2005, born from a collaborative spirit among art dealers and friends. The primary goal was to establish a prominent platform for international galleries, bridging the gap beyond the youthful art fair Liste and the well-established Art Basel. This innovative approach garnered great success, paving the way for VOLTA's expansion to New York in 2008. The New York fair, introduced as a solo and boutique alternative, disrupted the traditional, bustling trade show dynamics of Armory Week in March.
In 2019 VOLTA was acquired by the Ramsay Fairs family. Since its inception, VOLTA continues to be a fair that places the concerns and aspirations of exhibiting galleries at the forefront so that adaptation to market trends takes place together. This commitment has cultivated a unique atmosphere, enabling eclectic and dynamic solo presentations, engaging multiple artists in curated conversations, and amplifying the diverse voices of contemporary art.

V1 Gallery's Jesper Elg (legt) and Josephine Fity (middle) in conversation with visitors at Markthalle Basel.

VOLTA Co-Founder Kavi Gupta of his namesake gallery from Chicago speaking to a collector couple.

Zavier Ellis (left), director of CHARLIE SMITH LONDON, in front of works by Florian Heinke at VOLTA Basel.

Vernissage of 'The Aesthetics of Matter' curated by Mickalene Thomas and Racquel Chevremont at VOLTA New York in 2018.

Collector Susan and Michael Hort at VOLTA New York in 2019.

Overview of VOLTA New York at Pier 90.